November 7, 2022

October 2022 Optometrists Board Exam Results


The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board of Optometry announces the 179 out of 285 passers of October 2022 Optometrists Board Exam Results (Practical Phase). Held in NCR, last October 23, 24 and 25, 2022. The result was released on November 7, 2022.

You may see also:

Top 10 Placers of October 2022 Optometrists Board Exam Results

The Board Exam Coverage

October 23, 2022
1. Ocular Pharmacology 10%
2. Ocular/Visual Biology 10%
3. Clinical Optometry and Specialty Areas 15%
In Optometry

October 24, 2022
1. Physiological Optics, Binocular Vision
 and Perception
2. Primary Care and Refraction

October 25, 2022
1. Ocular Diseases and Ocular Emergencies 
2. Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management
3. Theoretical and Practical Optics and Opthalmic 
Dispending including Contact Lenses

October 2022 Optometrists Board Exam Results

The Board Exam Result Updates

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