The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board of Professional Teachers announces the passers of March 2017 LET Result Teachers Board Exam for Elementary Teachers and Secondary Levels held in Manila, All Regional Offices; Zamboanga, Bacolod, Rosales, Pangasinan, General Santos City, Catarman, Northern Samar, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro and Puerto Princesa Palawan last March 26, 2017. The result is expected in 40 working days from the last day of examination.
March 26, 2017
For Elementary Teachers
1. General Education 40%
2. Professional Education 60%
For Secondary Teachers
1. General Education 20%
2. Professional Education 40%
3. Specialization 40%
March 26, 2017
For Elementary Teachers
1. General Education 40%
2. Professional Education 60%
For Secondary Teachers
1. General Education 20%
2. Professional Education 40%
3. Specialization 40%
For live updates of the upcoming March 2017 LET Result for Elementary Teachers and Secondary Teachers, you may LIKE US on Facebook or FOLLOW US in our Google+ Community Page.
You may refer links below:
List of Passers: March 2017 LET Result Elementary Teachers
List of Passers: March 2017 LET Result Secondary Teachers
Performance of Schools: March 2017 LET Teachers Board Exam Result
Examination Coverage:
Coverage for General Education for Elementary and Secondary Teachers
1. English
2. Filipino
3. Mathematics
4. Science
5. Social Sciences
Coverage in the Fields of Specialization for Secondary Teachers
1. English
2. Filipino
3. Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences
4. Mathematics
5. Social Studies / Social Sciences
6. Values Education
8. Agriculture and Fishery Arts
9. Technology and Livelihood Education
See also:
March 2017 LET Result on Facebook and Google+